"Julia Allert" Brand will fascinate you and inspire you with few new personalized, unique and novel collections - both in the country and beyond its borders.

Stylish clothes, everyday clothes should not be monotonous. This is what Julia Allert feels and is reflected in each NEW Collection. The past trends are reinvented and reinterpreted in a combination
of styles, prints and textures that represent the woman Julia Allert: a strong woman, a woman who plays by her own rules and has her own definition of beauty.

Julia Allert Brand est déjà à PARIS! 🇫🇷

Vous pouvez nous trouver dans ShowRoom FLYING SOLO, situé au 📍 42 Rue Étienne Marcel, Paris, pour une nouveaux expérience- être plus proches de nos Clients bien-aimés!

Julia Allert Brand in NEW-YORK! 🇺🇸

You can find us in ShowRoom FLYING SOLO, located at 📍 420 W Broadway St, New-York, for a new experience - for our dear customers!